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今年疫情好多人詢問我開唔開生酮月餅班,真係非常抱歉喺現在嘅情況下今年真係開唔到班呀~~~不過依舊送上食譜大家可以自己開工!!! 不知不覺已經第三年做生酮月餅啦~~~


如果大家食慣嘉x樓嗰隻味 呢個生酮版係唔會一樣嘅,因為嘉x樓落好多吉士粉, 吉士粉 係粟粉加色素 加人做香精 ,簡單嚟講係食緊香精味, 但係如果你係食開 大師姐 嗰隻 奶黃月餅 咁 我呢隻就有啲似, 個餡係用cream cheese 丶椰漿丶 法國雲呢拿 丶 牛油丶同埋蛋, 皮係椰子粉丶杏仁粉 丶牛油丶蛋白。

個皮唔會酥脆 所以 食嘅時候應該唔需要翻熱, 呢個係我第一次做嘅實驗品我應該會再fine tune一下個食譜,令口感同味道更加好食 ,以前做其他 baking我都會睇下外國 嘅食譜作為參考, 今次真係自己想像出嚟。

Repost from last year ** Keto 芝士奶皇月 (1st edition)

Filling : Cream cheese 125g 忌廉芝士 Monk fruit sweetener 30g 羅漢果糖 Butter 50g 牛油 Coconut milk 40g 椰奶 Egg yolk 4 蛋黃 Vanilla extract 1 tsp 雲呢拿香油 Salted egg yolk 4 (baked at 180C for 10 min) 鹹蛋黃

Coconut flour 70g 椰子粉 Almond flour 90g 杏仁粉 monk fruit 20g 羅漢果糖 Butter 80g牛油 Egg whites 55g蛋白

In a double boiler heat cream cheese 丶butter丶sweetener , take the bowl off the heat mix well with a whisk . Add coconut milk and egg yolk mx well . Steam mixture for 15-20 min . Add vanilla extract and chopped salted egg yolk mix it all together. Cool down and store in the fridge till completely cool. Roll into a ball 22g each . Warp the ball with plastic warp store in freezer overnight.

Crust Cut butter in small cubes, use finger to mix almond and coconut flour丶sweetener together. Add egg white and mix to form a dough . Warp it and keep it in the fridge.

Shape the moon cake Divide the dough in 25g portion and roll into a ball. Take the frozen hard filling ball out from the freeze. Flat the dough ball and warp around the filling ,lite handed roll into round shape .repeat . Put the moon cake ball in the mold press to shape than push it out. Preheat oven at 180C bake for 4 min , take out and apply egg wash .repeat for 2 times.

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