yogurt buttercream :
Ikea Greek yogurt 150 g 希臘乳酪
Butter 200g (soften) 牛油 Vanilla extract 1 tsp 雲呢拿香油
Powdered Lankando 2 tablespoon 羅漢果糖粉(use double if other 1:1 sweeter) 牛油及糖分用電動打蛋器打法是淡黃色。
加入乳酪打法每次加入一湯匙 完全攪勻後再加一湯匙直至全部乳酪 加入以及打法均勻。
加入雲呢拿 然後開攻速 打發五至七分鐘 直至奶白色。 Whip butter and sweetener with electric mixer until peal yellow.
Add yogurt 1 Tablespoon at a time whip on high speed .
After all yogurt whip in add vanilla and continue whipping for 5-7 min.
Victoria sponge cake:
3/4 cups almond flour (75g)杏仁粉 1/4 cup coconut flour 25g椰子粉 1Tbs golden flaxseed powder 金亞麻籽粉 1tsp phylum husk 車前子粉 1/3 cup granulated Lankando (60g)羅漢果糖 1. 5 tsp baking powder 泡打粉 1/8 tsp baking soda (optional for fluffy texture) 梳打粉 Pinch of salt 4 eggs 蛋 1/4 cup cream (63 g) 忌廉 Viniger 1tsp醋 100g butter softened 牛油 1 tsp vanilla extract雲呢嗱油 牛油及羅漢果糖 打發 淡黃色, 雞蛋 每次加入一隻 打發均勻後再 加入另外一隻。 加入雲呢拿忌廉以及所有乾材料 開中低速 直至完全攪勻。 兩個六吋模糊塗上牛油 張 蛋糕糊平均 倒入六吋冇耐蛋糕模 於平檯面上敲幾下。 160至170度焗爐焗15分鐘 熄火後 於焗爐內靜置五分鐘。 取出放涼備用
Using a electric mixer, beat Lankando with butter, until fluffy.
With the mixer on low, add the eggs one at a time, beating well in between each egg.
Add cream and vanilla beat until combined.
Add the dry ingredients into mixture and beat until combined.
Grease and line a 2 6inch pan ,pour batter into two pans and bake at 160 ~ 170 C for 15 .turn off the heat rest in oven for 5 min.
By Elizabeth Lam
Thank you for adding me 😊
Thx Za姐😊